Friday, 21 June 2013

Bottle Bricks

We filled plastic bottles to make bottle bricks with the litter that we picked up on our walk on Catholic Schools Day. We are helping to look after our environment.
Now we are invited to take part in using these bottle bricks.

Workshop to build Peace on Earthbench Movement bench seat and pizza oven base at Victory Garden.  Come along and help out or just come for the look, you can stay for a while or stay for the day.
Sunday 30 June or following Sunday if wet                        
Time: 11 a.m. to 4p.m.
We will have some warm drinks to keep you warm
Participants need:
Warm clothing
Gumboots or sturdy warm, waterproof footwear
Verena will show how cob is made and then we will all help build the seat out of the bottle bricks that have been stuffed by the children and adults in the community.
The bench will take a few weeks to dry.  Later we will help to seal and decorate it.
Cob is a mixture of clay, sand, straw and water.


  1. I was wondering what a bottle brick was and now I know. I am looking forward to seeing the finished bench. Mrs J. Ashley
