Friday 21 June 2013

Bottle Bricks

We filled plastic bottles to make bottle bricks with the litter that we picked up on our walk on Catholic Schools Day. We are helping to look after our environment.
Now we are invited to take part in using these bottle bricks.

Workshop to build Peace on Earthbench Movement bench seat and pizza oven base at Victory Garden.  Come along and help out or just come for the look, you can stay for a while or stay for the day.
Sunday 30 June or following Sunday if wet                        
Time: 11 a.m. to 4p.m.
We will have some warm drinks to keep you warm
Participants need:
Warm clothing
Gumboots or sturdy warm, waterproof footwear
Verena will show how cob is made and then we will all help build the seat out of the bottle bricks that have been stuffed by the children and adults in the community.
The bench will take a few weeks to dry.  Later we will help to seal and decorate it.
Cob is a mixture of clay, sand, straw and water.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Subtracting using Basic Facts

Subtraction using Place Value

Rearranging and combining

Thinking again

Question Thinker's Key

Today we did some more questions for the Thinker's Key. Everyone came up with such awesome ideas for a question to match the answer.
Answer: they walked

How did they loose weight? Sam
How did they get to the beach? David
What did they have to do when the scooter broke? Josh
What did they do? Lawson
What did they do when their car was locked? Jacob
What did they do when the sign said No Running? Finn
What did they do when they went into church? Sapphire 
What did they do when their car was stolen? Hannah
What did they do when they couldn't run any further? Grace
How did they get to the shops? Savanna
What did they do when they lost their breath? Bridget
How did they get home? Holly
What did they do when the storm hit? Margeaux
How do they get to different places?Julian
Why did it take them fifteen minutes to get to the shop? Ben
How did they get to the park? Kimberly
What did they do at the end of the race? Bella
What did the couple do on their date? Ruby
What did they do when they had no money to afford a train ticket? Patrick
How did they get to the library? Caleb
What happened when their car broke down? Connor
What did they do when there was a wet floor sign? Blake
What did they do when their bike was stolen? Charlie

Monday 10 June 2013

Picking Up Rubbish

On Friday Hoiho class went to pick up rubbish next to the estuary. We found lots of funny things like shoes, half of a cup and glass bottles! We went into groups of six or more. Each group had an adult to walk with them. Mrs Bryant wrote the start of some complex sentences and we finished them. Here are some of them.

Garden Fundraiser Meal

On Friday we had a fundraising lunch to raise money for a small and poor school in Vanuatu. We grew some of the food ourselves! We grew HUGE cauliflower and broccoli! Here are some of the things we ate: grated carrots, pesto, wraps, hummus, broccoli stalks, stir fry, cauliflower cake, apples, fejoas , bread chips, onion dip and heaps more. Making the lunch was lots of fun, and it was worth spending our time preparing it because it was very tasty.